
Welcome to our new site, with a new look and a new name. From now on we are called BRIK: Brabants Internationaal Kinder Festival. With a stunning programme full of imaginative performances from all over the world, carefully selected by our artistic director and programmer over the past two years. These shows are not only for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and children, but also for their (grand)parents,...

de Stilte is a professional dance company in the Southern region of the Netherlands, that focuses entirely on developing productions and performing for children. We perform hundreds of shows every year, for both the public and for schools. Education is an integral part of de Stilte's activities. Since our foundation in 1994, we have expanded to become the most attended youth theatre producer in the Netherlands...

Festival De Betovering is the international art festival for young people with spectacular performances and workshops at more than 55 locations in and outside The Hague.